The news of olympic medalist Sushil Kumar being ignored for the padma awards didn't come as a big shock to me. The sportsmen of our country has always been treated shabbily by the government and the sport bodies alike. Sushil Kumar represents majority of the Indian sportsmen, a guy from humble backgrounds made it big in international level but the sport he represents is not popular in India, neither he is proficient in English nor does he has the Adonis like looks of Vijender Singh. It is another discouraging signal sent to the budding sportsmen.
In fact the development in different sports in the last few months was not very encouraging for some one who wants to take up sports as a future profession. The national hockey players were offered a meager sum of 25,000 for representing India, Gold medalist Abhinav Bindra is not allowed to play in Common wealth games as he didn't participate in national camps, Leander Paes didn't play in Chennai open as he was not given the appearance he wanted. The root cause of all this is the same, the sports bodies which control the respective sports think that they are bigger than the sport and the sportsmen. People with magnanimous egos run this organisations. Until and unless there is a major change in the attitude of the management the sporting scene of the country looks bleak as ever. May be this organisations should start recruiting managers from B-schools, I know quite a few of my friends who wouldn't mind giving up a hefty a pay package for a career in sports management.
A search in the Google for "pictures + Tripura" resulted in maps of Tripura and a few pics of Ujjyanta palace. Thats horrible if a state wants to promote it as a tourist destination. So I decided to upload some of the pics which I took on my last visit to Agartala in Oct'09. These are not pics of Ujjayanta palace or Neer mahal, but the open paddy fields, the dense jungles, lush green tea gardens, village roads and the zigzag roads through the hills. Happy watching.(If your speed is slow it might take a few seconds for the pictures to download)

If you are wondering what the title of this post means? It is the latest marketing drive of Easycabs.
People of Bangalore and Hyderabad are quite familiar with Easycab and Merucabs. This were the only two taxi service providers who were given the license to operate in the international airport of Hyderabad and Bangalore. At the time of opening of Bangalore international airport(BIAL) the number of cabs of both this companies were the same. But by 2009 the number of Meru cabs doubled and the number of easy cabs remained the same. What went wrong? I don't know exactly. From my experience I can say that Meru gave a better customer service. The first time I had to go to BIAL, I first called Easycab, the reason was the name was more english and the number was easier to type. I didn't had a good experience talking to the lady attending the call, there was constant noise and cacophony at the background and I had to shout to talk to her, being irritated I cut down the call and called Meru cabs and ever since I have been always using Meru cabs.
This christmas when I went to Bangalore I saw billboards with "If you drink we'll drive" ads all over the city. Easycabs also tied up with Radio One for on air promotion. As a student of marketing I liked this strategy by Easycab. They have repositioned the Easycab in a whole new light. It was very much necessary for easycab to survive with increasing competition from local taxi cabs also. Bangalore has a huge number of pubs and drunken driving incidents are quite rampant here. The cops laso make good money as bribes from this drunken drivers.So Easycabs will not run out of customers for sure.
This Christmas-New Year parties must have been a good source of revenue for them.